I know, I know you were hoping I would reveal whether we’re having a boy or a girl. Well, all I can say is there’s a 50/50 chance it’s going to be a boy or a girl. Alan and I decided even before we found out I was pregnant that we were not going to find out the baby’s sex. We get so few happy surprises in life, so we decided early on to wait until the baby is born. My niece Victoria thinks it’s a girl, but everyone else is guessing a boy! I really have no feelings either way since I’ve been preoccupied by all day nausea, round ligament pain, and insomnia (more on that later!). But what about the nursery you ask? Well, we’re going to opt for a gender neutral space (and no that doesn’t mean yellow and green) that a boy or a girl will love. I’m normally an impatient person, but I’m pretty relaxed about this whole thing and I think I’ll be able to wait until April to find out!