Why you Need to Buy a Vintage Sweatshirt RN

We all know there’s nothing better than throwing your hair up in a bun and wearing your favorite sweater right? Well, let me tell you it gets even better when it’s a vintage sweatshirt (plus add a glass of wine to that list). I picked up this Michael Jackson Thriller sweatshirt at the flea market a few months back and let me tell you, I wear it ALL. THE. TIME. The tight fit makes it the perfect piece to wear with everything in my closet – over a dress, paired with a leather skirt, or with vintage jeans for a classic look. Here are 3 tips for buying a vintage sweater online:

  1. Shop around. You can find vintage tees and sweaters/sweatshirts at thrift stores, online, and a lot of brick and mortar shops. Shop around to find tees that are guaranteed authentic vintage, coolest designs/graphics, and lowest prices. Thrift stores will have the lowest prices, but you’ll have to shop around a lot before finding a gem. Whereas, a brick and mortar shop has done all the work for you but you will pay extra for it. Shopping online on eBay is a good balance between the two as there’s a lot of inventory that you can quickly go through and still get a deal.
  2. Confirm authenticity. There are a lot of vintage reproductions that have that old look and feel, but aren’t the real deal. Confirm it’s an authentic vintage print before spending money. If the seller can’t guarantee, then shop elsewhere. If it’s a reproduction, it may be a good buy (like this Gucci tank), but don’t spend a lot on it! If you’re shopping for a vintage sweatshirt online, try to do a reverse Google image of the print to see if it pops up anywhere else. If it’s all over the web and available for purchase, then you know it’s a fake.
  3. Go by measurements not size. As always, know your measurements and shop that way instead of sizing. Vintage sizes are all over the place so you want to know exactly the fit you’re going for so you can shop accordingly. This sweater is actually a kids large, which is just the fit I was going for. When shopping for vintage sweaters online, ask for measurements before buying.

Shop my favorite vintage sweaters online:

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